On 13 and 14 September, the opening plenary session of the XIIth Conference of INGOs and NGOs of the Francophonie was held at the headquarters of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) in a hybrid face-to-face/remote format.
After four years of good and loyal service as Chair of Commission B "Peace, Democracy and Human Rights" and Vice-Chair of the Conference Follow-up Committee, ASF France has decided not to stand for a new mandate, thus respecting the commitment made in this sense during its election, in September 2018, at the Yerevan Conference.
We would like to thank all the accredited organisations that have always supported our action and have actively participated in the work we have undertaken within Commission B.
We wish full success to our colleagues from Actions in the Mediterranean and the Comité Syndical Francophone de l'Education et de la Formation, who will now have the task of leading Commission B.
We assure them that our commitment to the Conference and our commitment and determination to work for the values of La Francophonie remain intact and will continue through our involvement in the substantive work of the Commission.
We also congratulate AGIRabcd, which, through its representative, Ms Daniele Toulemont, will chair the new Follow-up Committee.
Finally, we bring to your attention the final declaration co-drafted by the accredited organisations and the recommendations of the Conference to the OIF and to the member states and governments of La Francophonie.
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