▶️ Avocats Sans Frontières France in Haiti shares its latest awareness campaign video (4/4) for the IMPLIC project (Involvement and Participation of Actors for the Protection of the Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty), in partnership with the Collectif d'Avocat·e·s spécialisé·e·s en Litige Stratégique de Droits Humains (CALSDH) and the Institut Mobile d'Education Démocratique (IMED).
🔎 In this final video, we wanted to bring to life the issues and objectives of the IMPLIC project, which ran from April 2021 to August 2024. This project capitalisation video will show you some of the key actions carried out by the project consortium in favour of the most vulnerable prisoners, particularly women and young people.
➕ In particular, this project strengthened the technical capacities of civil society organisations and human rights defenders to ensure effective access to justice for people deprived of their liberty.
➕ This project also gave local actors the opportunity to act in synergy for the protection of the rights of people deprived of their liberty and to be able to monitor and influence changes to provide solutions to the challenges of the prison system in Haiti.
🙏 Thank you to Fritz Evens Moise (Head of the Palto Vayan troupe), Novia Augustin (Vice-President of FEDOFED) and Steeve Noel (Head of the IMPLIC project), for their participation.
🤝 This project is supported by the European Union (EU) delegation in Haiti andAFD - Agence Française de Développement.
Watch the video here: https://fb.watch/x0F1MAX6Ek/