
World Refugee Day 2024

Illustration : Journée mondiale du réfugié 2024

Originating from Mali, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Cameroon, Uganda and other regions, the refugees are fleeing conflict, torture, political persecution and serious human rights violations. On arrival in Samos, they are detained in the Closed Access and Control Centre (CCAC), often described as an "open-air prison". Conditions are deplorable: no running water, maximum capacity exceeded, restrictions on movement, limited access to medical and legal care, etc. For those simply seeking safety and stability in Europe, these conditions are traumatic. ASF France insists on the need not to judge or stigmatise them, stressing that Europe should be a welcoming and unprejudiced place for those seeking a safe and stable haven.
Since January 2019, ASF France has been providing legal and judicial support to asylum seekers arriving in Samos via the Samos Legal Centre. Despite a 2000% increase in arrivals compared to 2022, our team on the ground continues to offer free legal assistance on a daily basis.
"When I contacted you, it was to ask for help on how to tell my story better. [...] The trauma I experienced in Cameroon left me in a weakened state. But you gave me the help and support I needed to deal with the asylum service. [...] She [my lawyer] wasn't allowed to speak, but the simple fact that she was there gave me a lot of courage. Living in the Samos camp wasn't easy. [...] Sometimes I only slept two hours a night. That must have been because I couldn't go out, even just to clear my head. When I received my positive result, it was an immense joy for me. [...] I'm free here." - S*, former project beneficiary in Samos
Thank you to the technical and financial partners, the volunteers and the whole team at Samos Legal Centre for this outpouring of solidarity towards asylum seekers arriving in Greece. 
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