🔎 In Haiti, 95% of women detainees are awaiting trial and face deplorable conditions of detention: overcrowding, inadequate food, lack of care and hygiene, no facilities for privacy, untreated water and violence.
▶️ Avocats Sans Frontières France in #Haiti presents its first video (1/4) of the #IMPLIC (Involvement and Participation of Actors for the Protection of the Rights of Persons Deprived of their Liberty) awareness campaign, in partnership with the Collectif d'Avocats.es spécialisé en Litige Stratégique de Droits Humains (#CALSDH) and the Institut Mobile d'Education Démocratique (#IMED).
The aim of the project is to help strengthen the rule of law and respect for human rights in Haiti, and in particular to address the issue of women prisoners and their access to justice.
ℹ️ For more information on IMPLIC, go to https://www.avocatssansfrontieres-france.org/fr/missions/implic-implication-et-participation-des-acteurs-pour-la-protection-des-droits-des-personnes-privees-de-liberte-1/
To watch the video, click here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7246820750748258304
🙏 Thank you to Dilia Lemaire (Head of the legal section at MOUFHED), Joram Dema (Lawyer at the Petit Goave Bar), Rosy A.Ducenat (Programme Manager at RNDDH) and Mackenzie Denis, (Lawyer at CALSDH) for their contributions.
🤝 This project is supported by the European Union (EU) delegation andAFD - Agence Française de Développement.